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Creativity has always been on my mind. Early life sewing, quilting, all those great colors. Watercolors caught my fancy late in life. Studied with Martha Vineyard Artist, Millie Briggs for 10 years and the privilege of other national artists’ workshops; Sandy Maudlin, Donna Arnold, Don Andrews, Karen Knutson, and Pat Weaver. Because of the oil painting style of Dreama Tolle Perry ventured into her oil painting workshops. Acrylics have become a late addition to my ever learning process of being an artist.
Maryjo Warstler
Ink Study
Where's Tom
Jungle Frolic
New Orleans Doorway
Ewing 37 Chev
Wisteria Creek
Chinese Gardens
Seaside Mansion
Sweet Water Interiors
Hostetler Porch
Beach View
My View
Aqua Day Thoughts
Yellow Tulips
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